Thrive Spice
Thrive Spice
The Success Trap: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Live Authentically
In the pursuit of success, do we lose ourselves? As a recovering perfectionist, I spill the tea on my own personal journey going from corporate life to mom to podcaster to Lillian So, fitness entrepreneur and co-author of the new book FitCEO, and share the incredible lessons I’ve learned along the way on parenting, career and relationships. We dig into the ways I’ve had to be vulnerable, brave, and listen to my intuition, while observing my inner critic with compassion and curiosity.
Do you dream of living an "Authentic Life" but feel trapped by social media's definitions of success - whether it's a job title, relationship, or any other personal goals? Have you ever climbed your way to the "Peak" of your goals, and discovered - wait a minute - it wasn't the glossy, happy, perfect life you had imagined? Same, girl, same.
In this podcast episode, we talk about observing moments of negative self-talk and using them as opportunities to reframe our perspectives, to uncover our real truth and potential. We talk about ways to find validation, healing, and empowerment in ourselves and as a community - especially for women of color, mothers, and Asian Americans. Most importantly, how can we start embracing - instead of judging - our own gloriously messy lives? We share how to cultivate a life where we’re allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, try new things, and live authentically and joyfully in our personal and professional lives.
5-MINUTE MINDFUL JOURNALING PROMPT: Are you ready to rise above your fears, doubts and negative self-talk? This podcast has a BONUS 5-minute journaling exercise at the end that I have personally found helpful in moments of self-doubt and anxiety. It will help you gain perspective on your own ways of thinking and help you cultivate joy, confidence and peace right now. You can also find it at www.thrivespicemedia.com.
Prefer to watch our episode? Check out the full interview on YouTube or see clips of the best parts of the interview on Instagram.
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