Thrive Spice
Thrive Spice
Top 8 Mental Health Lessons from AAPI Leaders | Best of AAPI Heritage Month & Anniversary Special
The best mental health tips from AAPI Leaders, creators and activists, including how to navigate anxiety and depression, self-care, imposter syndrome, social media, body image issues, and hate crimes. PLUS: Thrive Spice was featured on Apple Podcasts' home page for the Best of AAPI Heritage Month! Vanessa celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month and the 1 year anniversary of Thrive Spice, and our mission of normalizing mental health for the Asian American and Asian diaspora across the world. #apahm #aanhpi #aapiheritagemonth #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealth #asianmentalhealth #mentalhealthpodcast #asianpodcast #asianentrepreneurs #mompodcaster #womenempoweringwomen #lgbtqally
Follow us on Instagram for mental health tips and resources, or https://www.thrivespicemedia.com for Mental Health Workshops and Speaker/Event inquiries.
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