Thrive Spice
Thrive Spice
Aparna Shewakramani of Netflix's "Indian Matchmaking" On Fame, Fate, and Freedom from People-Pleasing
Aparna from Netflix’s hit TV show “Indian Matchmaking” opens up about her new book, She’s Unlikeable: And Other Lies that Bring Women Down. The author and reality star shares what it’s like to go from a life of normalcy and privacy as a lawyer looking for love in Texas, to a life over-examined and hyper-edited for the entire world to see. We talk about reshaping gender roles in South Asian culture, girl bossing vs. girl resting, and navigating fate and agency in our love lives and careers. Plus: Bollywood movies, gratitude, and setting boundaries.
Book Review of She’s Unlikeable and Other Lies that Bring Women Down:
This is a memoir and manifesto that poses the question: what if women truly had freedom from racism, sexism, misogyny, and the incessant thirst for the validation of others (and ourselves)? What inspired me about Aparna’s journey is how she took back her power and reclaimed her story after becoming a viral sensation overnight. Her vulnerability in her book rang true with so many struggles that modern-day South Asian women (and women around the world) embody: whether it was body image and how she looked on camera, to trying to navigate the tension between respecting her elders and the matchmaker Sima Aunty, but also advance gender equality and stand up for her truth. As we talked about her writing process and mental health journey, I was reminded that to observe yourself without judgment is perhaps the greatest form of compassion - whether in dating, work, or in our personal lives. It is an exercise equal parts contemplation, levity, and healing; on looking at your most crushing wounds and wrecks face to face, unflinching in their magnificence and arbitration, with a magnifying glass and pen. May we all be so brave.
About Aparna Shewakramani:
From her polarizing portrayal on Netflix's hit TV show Indian Matchmaking, Aparna Shewakramani became an overnight ambassador for women demanding to be heard—in their love lives, workplaces, and in every space they occupy. While she did practice law full time for 10 years, Aparna is currently on sabbatical with her first book, She's Unlikeable: And Other Lies That Bring Women Down, coming out on February 8, 2022. Aparna was born in London, lived in Dubai as a child, and called Texas her home for over 25 years before recently moving to NYC. She is an avid traveler (over 43 countries and counting) and the co-founder and owner of the luxury travel company My Golden Balloon.
Show notes:
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Podcast Episode Music from Uppbeat | Mountaineer - Refresh | Hartzmann - Paradise Island | RA - Summer with You
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